Does anyone else know themselves to be an introverted extrovert?
Or perhaps an extroverted introvert? Basically, someone who is energized by being around people loving to chat and connect, but also needs a lot of alone time, too.
This is me.
Lately, I have been getting a lot of alone time I need, and it is amazing.
What is really incredible is the silence. Read More
Where we really need to find self-care, though, is in the small moments throughout the day when we don’t need to be busy.
It is amazing how even just five minutes of stopping and paying attention to our own needs can revive us and bring us back to the reality that most of the time life ain’t that bad.
We all have five minutes.
We all have small pockets of time each day to show up and give ourselves a little tender loving care.
Here are some easy ways to do just this- Read Them Here
The way to get better at our relationships, is to get better at dealing with pain.
Yes, you heard me right.
Our negative and damaging connotations associated with pain are one of the reasons we struggle so much in relationships.
If we are in pain, we have failed somehow.
If we cause other people pain, we are a bad person.
Pain is something we need to avoid at all costs (which is impossible).
Our unrealistic concept of what pain is in our lives causes us, well, pain.
What if pain were just pain? Read The Rest Here